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This fund to provide disaster relief after the explosion in Beirut to support the Lebanese Red Cross
0 nonprofits
This fund to provide disaster relief after the explosion in Beirut to support the Lebanese Red Cross
We are all in shock witnessing the massive explosion that happened in Beirut on the 4th of August. This comes at a time when the Lebanese nation is already suffering from a catastrophic economic situation, an unprecedented pandemic and relentless government corruption. The impact was intense, rippling through several areas of the capital and could be heard 149 miles away on the island of Cyprus. According to the Lebanese Red Cross, the reported loss of life is more than 100 people and 4,000 injured. Currently, search and rescue teams are still digging through rubble looking for missing persons. There is significant damage to structures and authorities continue to assess damage. The exact cause of the explosion remains unconfirmed, though Lebanon authorities have stated that highly explosive material that has been stored at the port for years had blown up following a fire. Lebanese Red Cross teams are on the ground responding to humanitarian needs. All 125 Lebanese Red Cross ambulances are responding to the site of the explosion, rescuing and transporting the critically wounded to hospitals. On site, the Lebanese Red Cross is performing search and rescue in addition to treating people suffering from injuries. Triage and first aid stations have been set up across the Beirut port to treat injuries. Many Lebanese people have lost their homes and essentials. In response, the Lebanese Red Cross is providing emergency shelter for 1,000 families and anticipates providing shelter for as many as 10,000 families in the coming months. Food, water, hygiene kits, masks, gloves and other essentials are being distributed to vulnerable families in need. To meet emotional support needs, trained team members are providing crisis counseling to the community. For family members that have been separated by this event, the Red Cross Restoring Family Links program is reconnecting families. The primary focus is saving lives right now. As hospitals continue to be overwhelmed, the Lebanese Red Cross has 36 health centers and nine mobile medical units operating in all regions of the country. These medical services are provided to all people in need, free of charge. The money will be spent to the Lebanese Red Cross. If you have any questions on this campaign, feel free to contact Francois A. Atallah ""
Campaign for Female Education and Empowerment Fund
3 nonprofits
Campaign for Female Education and Empowerment Fund
Here is a hand-picked list of highly-rated[1] organizations working in women's health, education, and development. These organizations have grassroots ties and support various causes to empower women and girls in the community. This is by no measure a complete list of all the organizations working for causes affecting women, but merely a starting point, and can you find more resources here[2], [3], [4] and [5]: is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions. How does Kiva work? You, the donor/lender, give as little as $25 (or much more) to help someone somewhere to start a business, pay a bill, or go to school. That person eventually pays back the “loan” so that you, the lender can then lend to another person. It’s not a handout. Kiva is not just for women, but 81 percent of its beneficiaries are women, often entrepreneurs who found small businesses that help them, their families, and their communities. In parts of Asia and Africa, women go through prolonged childbirth without adequate care. The result can be a devastating fistula. The condition leaves the woman incontinent, but worse, she can be rejected by society, her family, and even her husband. Affected women become pariahs, today’s lepers. The Fistula Foundation works to prevent fistula in the first place and provides surgery to correct it. Between 2009 and 2018, the Fistula Foundation provided 39,866 of these surgeries to women in 32 countries. This life-changing surgery can be provided for less than $600. The Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) is tackling poverty and inequality by supporting girls to go to school and succeed, and empowering young women to step up as leaders of change. Our model tackles inequality and unlocks the benefits that accrue from girls' education, igniting a wider social movement in girls' communities. Since 1993, CAMFED's innovative education programs in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania, and Malawi have directly supported more than 3.3 million students to attend primary and secondary school, and more than 5.7 million children have benefited from an improved learning environment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] CharityNavigator ratings: all are rated 4 stars on charity navigator CAMFED (Campaign for Female Education): Kiva: Fistula Foundation: [2] [3] [4] [5]